OMNES : The Journal of multicultural society
[ Article ]
OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society - Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.1-36
ISSN: 2093-5498 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Jan 2017
Received 29 Jun 2017 Reviewed 16 Jul 2017 Accepted 24 Aug 2017

Cultural Conflict Resolution Styles of Marriage-Migrant Women in Korea: From the Perspectives of Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Filipino Women

Ahnlee Jang* ; Young-Lan Kim
Hongik University, School of Advertising and Public Relations
professor in the Department of Social Psychology at Sookmyung Women’s University womyn@sookmyung

Correspondence to: *Email: Contributed by footnote: First and corresponding author


Interviews with 22 marriage-migrant women from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines revealed that power distance in conjunction with individualism/collectivism influence their conflict styles. Moreover, women were more likely to engage in compromising style with their spouses; obliging with their in-laws; and avoiding with their spouse and in-law when they had emotionally given up on resolving the conflict. Furthermore, they were using avoiding when dealing with conflict outside the home with strangers and acquaintances. Though inconclusive, the findings suggest that women’s educational level, work experiences, and financial status influence their conflict style. While these were cultural and social factors that influence the participants conflict style, their goal, namely, providing a better life for their children, was also found to be a major drive in resolving conflicts and in the process they empowered themselves to out-win (surmount) the conflicting situations rather than being compliant. Suggestions for future studies as well as a scale for Cambodia’s power distance and individualism/collectivism are suggested.


conflict style, marriage-migrant women, multiculturalism, power distance, individualism/collectivism


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Biographical Note

Jang, Ahnlee received her M.A. from the University of Southern California in East Asian Languages and Cultures and Ph.D. in Public Relations from the University of Maryland. Her research interests include social capital, multiculturalism, cultural identity, and civic engagement of ethnically diverse publics. Her works have been published in the Journal of Public Relations Research, Korea Observer, and Studies of Koreans Abroad. She is currently teaching at Hongik University, School of Advertising and Public Relations. Email:

Kim, Young-Lan received her M.A. from Korea University and Ph.D. in Sociology from Korea University. Her research interests include multiculturalism, social integration, cultural diversity, co-existence, social risks and risk society. Some of her works have been published in the Journal of Korean Society, Family and Culture, and Asian Women. She is a professor in the Department of Social Psychology at Sookmyung Women’s University. Email: